Here are some examples of anxiety that children may have as the new school year approaches.


He is the musician for HushTug.

We've been experiencing lovely, spring-like weather recently, how are you all doing?

Spring marks the start of a new school year, and many people move into new environments.

When a new semester begins and your environment changes, you may find yourself unknowingly accumulating fatigue and stress.

Also, some children are sensitive to change and become anxious and distressed.

Before it gets to that point, it's important to recognize the signs of anxiety your child may be sending you and encourage them to release stress.

Here we will introduce some examples of anxiety that children may have as the new school term approaches.

If you have children, please take a look at this.

Reasons why children have anxiety

The start of a new school year means children will be meeting new classes, new teachers and new friends.

When entering a new environment like this, everyone feels anxious.

The real cause of this anxiety is change.

Change can be a huge stressor for humans, both adults and children.

Here are some reasons why children may be prone to anxiety:

1. Anxiety about new environments and meeting new people

2. Anxiety about changes in school life

3. Anxiety about academic performance, including homework and exams

4. Concerns about relationships, such as friendships and bullying

5. Anxiety due to changes in home environment

It's normal to start the new semester with these anxieties.

Therefore, in order to help your child get used to their new environment as quickly as possible and live comfortably, it is important to first recognize the signs of anxiety that your child may be showing and to take care of your child's mental health early on.

Signs of anxiety from children

Some signs that a child may be anxious about the new school year include:

Recurring ill health

You may feel stressed and become more susceptible to illness.

If you're feeling sick more often than usual, anxiety could be to blame.

Loss of appetite or anorexia

Anxiety can cause loss of appetite or food refusal.

If you notice a loss of appetite or signs of anorexia, this could be due to anxiety.

Irritable or irritable attitude

Anxiety can make you irritable and moody.

A big change in their usual behavior could be a sign of anxiety.

Resistance to going to school

Due to anxiety, children may resist or refuse to go to school.

If your child has trouble waking up in the morning or refuses to go to school, he or she may be feeling anxious.


Establish a regular rhythm in your life

It is said that getting up early and exposing yourself to sunlight is important for regulating the autonomic nervous system.

Also, try to move your body as much as possible.

If you don't go outside on your days off and don't get enough exercise, it can lead to a vicious cycle of you staying awake at night without feeling sleepy.

If your child is very reluctant to go to school, just act natural.

Even if your child says, "I don't want to go to school," refrain from pressing them with, "Why don't you want to go?"

First of all, it is important to make the effort to "accept the feeling of not wanting to go."

If you empathize with and acknowledge your child's feelings, your child's anxiety may calm and they may be able to go to school naturally.

Take more time than usual to talk to your child

If your child's life at home is unstable, they may feel uneasy at school.

To help your child feel at ease, it may be a good idea to take more time than usual to talk to them slowly and to have physical contact with them.


How was it?

Here are some reasons why children may feel anxious about the new school year.

If you notice any of the signs of anxiety we've introduced here, it might be a good idea to spend more time with your child than usual.

I hope this will be of some help to you.

Thank you for reading to the end.


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