Shareholder Benefits
20 to 40 shares : Invite to Facebook group (We will irregularly update information about the behind-the-scenes of manufacturing and D2C marketing. We plan to provide closed information that cannot be posted on Twitter, etc.)
40 to 60 shares : Facebook group invitation, advance information on new products
60 to 80 shares : Invited to Facebook group, advance notice of new products, participation in new product development meetings
80 or more shares : Invited to Facebook group, advance notice of new products, participation in new product development meetings, and the opportunity to visit a partner sewing studio (if there are no problems with the sewing studio's schedule, we can do so. Please note that travel and accommodation costs to the site will be borne by the individual.)
*The shareholder benefit program may be subject to review or modification, including abolition, depending on various factors such as future financial conditions, changes in business performance, and changes in company policy. Please note that in such cases, we will notify you on our website, etc.