[Is today a lucky day?] Let me introduce you to Ichiritsumanbai Day.


He is the musician for HushTug.

December is approaching the halfway point, and 2022 is soon coming to an end.

Meanwhile, in December 2022

・12th (Mon) *Ended

・13th (Tuesday)

・24th (Sat)

・25th (Sun)

Did you know that today is an auspicious day called Ichiryuu Manbai-bi ?

What is Hitotsubu Manbai Day?

First of all, what kind of day is Ichiri Manbai Day?
I only knew vaguely about this, but apparently Ichi-Goma-Manbai-bi means that "if you sow one grain of rice, it will grow into a stalk of rice with ten thousand times as many grains," and it is said that your words and actions will come back to you ten thousand times over.

Moreover, it is an auspicious day

  • Start a lesson
  • Go shopping
  • moving

It seems to be a good time to start something new.

Also, since this is a rare and auspicious day that only comes around a few times a year, it's also a great time to replace everyday items such as wallets and bags!

It is said that replacing your wallet on Ichiritsu Manbai Day will bring good luck with money, and as it is not an item that people replace frequently, many people aim to replace their wallet on Tensha Day.

Although we don't usually pay much attention to this calendar, whether you believe in good fortune or not, it's a great opportunity to start something new or buy something!

HushTug has also released four types of wallets in collaboration with Japanese artisans.

Why not take this opportunity to consider replacing your wallet?


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