[Opening the inside of our Mongolian factory!] We followed the process of making leather backpacks!


This is a HushTug Hariuner.

The cold season has arrived in Mongolia, with the highest temperature now at -3℃ and the lowest temperature at around -17℃.

In the middle of winter, the temperature drops to -30℃, which is still a long way from a Mongolian perspective.

So, are you curious about what HushTug products are made of?

This time, I will write about the production process for a "leather backpack" from HushTug products!

table of contents

  1. Preparation
  2. Manual
  3. Assembly work
  4. Cleaning and inspection work

Preparation for the leather backpack!

Bag production begins with the preparation of materials.

Receive all the materials that will be used for the bag and have them all cut up before the next job begins.

Also, since the leather is thick as it is, we also do a process called skiving to make it thinner.

  • Cutting leather
  • Leather skiving
  • Cutting the lining
  • Cutting the core material
  • Zipper cut

*This is where the leather cutting process takes place.

*The cut leather is then skived (thinned) in order.

※Cutting preparation is complete!

We will be making leather backpacks by hand!

This is the stage where the craftsmanship is most required.

It's easy to make mistakes, and if a mistake does occur, it will be sent back to the sewing department and remade!

The main work involves gluing the leather together and turning the edges so that the cut edges of the leather are not visible.

*This is the process of spraying glue.

*Gluing the shoulder straps of a leather backpack.

*Parts before assembly.

Assembling a leather backpack

Each part is glued together and sewn together before assembly begins.

At this point, we can see the shape of the leather backpack and it is close to being a finished product.

*Assembling the front pocket area.

*Zipper is sewn in.

*This is a finished product.

What did you think? You probably don't have many opportunities to see leather products being made, but Mongolian craftsmen work together to make each product by hand.

If I have the opportunity, I would like to introduce the other products we make as well.

That's all for this time.

Thank you for reading.


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