We tested the size of a leather tote when carried by a woman.


He is the musician for HushTug.

Recently, I'm happy to say that I've been getting more and more questions from women asking, "Can women carry tote bags?"

Many of the photos on online stores feature male models, so it may be difficult for women to imagine what the product will look like when they hold it.

So, this time we'd like to take a look at the size of a leather tote when a woman carries it!

Our model this time is Onda, a customer support representative.

By the way, Onda's height is said to be 158cm.

I would be happy if you could imagine it taking into account the height difference between you and the character.

So let's take a look!

Testing in various ways

I think the way to hold a tote bag varies depending on the situation and the person using it, so this time,

  • When held in hand
  • When worn on the elbow
  • When worn over the shoulder

I tried holding it in a different way.

(1) When held in the hand

HushTug's leather tote is designed with long handles, so when carrying it in your hands, you may be concerned about whether it will touch the ground .

Looking at the photo above, it looks like if you're 158cm tall, it wouldn't even touch the ground even if you held it in your hand.

However, we don't have that much leeway.

As a result, if you slouch or tilt your center of gravity too much towards the side you are holding the leather tote, it may rub against the ground.

Also, if you are short, you should be careful about how you hold it, as you may scrape it against the ground when holding it.

In terms of size, you may find it to be more comfortable than you thought it would be.

Onda-san said, "It's totally fine!"

(2) When worn on the elbow

Many women carry their bags on their elbows.

The size gives the impression that you are holding a slightly larger bag than when you hold it in your hand.

(3) When worn over the shoulder

If you have a large capacity bag, you may end up putting too much stuff in it, which can make it heavy.

I think many people carry it over their shoulders at times like that.
This is most often seen when commuting or traveling for work.

The size doesn't seem to be as pronounced as when it was worn on the elbow.


This time, we introduced the size of leather totes when carried by a woman.

You might think that this bag is a little on the larger side, but you often see people using bags of this size, so it probably won't feel too strange, right?

Thank you for reading to the end today!



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