[The big cold wave has arrived!] Here are some things you should never do in the event of frost damage!


He is the musician for HushTug.

It is said that a strong cold wave, said to occur once every 10 years, will hit today, so caution is needed against heavy snowfall.

According to the forecast, on the morning of the 25th, 90 centimeters of snow will fall in the Hokuriku region, and 70 centimeters in the Chugoku region and other areas. There will also be very strong winds, which could lead to cars getting stranded and power outages in various areas.

There is a possibility of snow falling in the Kanto region from the evening to the night.

People who live in areas where snowfall and freezing are rare may often find themselves struggling with problems caused by sudden cold waves.

So, this time I would like to introduce the most common problems that occur during cold waves, as well as countermeasures and things you should not do.

I hope you find this blog helpful!

Frozen water pipes

The most common problem that is likely to occur is frozen water pipes .

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, as temperatures drop, water pipes that are outdoors and faucets that are indoors and exposed to outside air are at risk of having the water freeze or the pipes themselves crack, resulting in water outages.

Incidentally, in the past, when cold fronts similar to the one forecasted this time flowed in, approximately 504,000 households in 21 prefectures were left without water.

- How to prevent freezing

According to the Japan Water Works Association, to prevent freezing:

Drain the water from the pipes to prevent them from freezing.

The day before a cold wave is expected, cover outdoor water pipes and faucets with a thermal blanket and then wrap it tightly with plastic tape.

- Keep a pencil-sized amount of water running from the faucet

It was said that it was effective.

- What to do if your account has already frozen

There may be cases where it is not possible to take prevention measures the day before, or where it is already too late.

In that case, take the following measures:

・Place a towel over the frozen area and slowly pour warm water over it to melt it.

・Wait for it to dissolve naturally

- Things you should never do

The one thing you should never do to freeze water pipes is pour boiling water on them.

If you turn the tap and no water comes out, you might be tempted to pour boiling water over it in an attempt to get the water out quickly.

However, if frozen faucets or water pipes are subjected to a sudden change in temperature, they may burst or become damaged, which could result in costly repairs or replacements.

Therefore, the water you use to thaw ice should be lukewarm (around 50 degrees).

In addition, " heating the frozen area with the faucet turned off" is also dangerous as it could cause the faucet or water pipes to burst or become damaged.
So, make sure to open the tap before doing this.

Something strange happened to my leather bag after storing it in a cold place...

In honor of the current cold wave, we would like to introduce some of the phenomena that can occur when storing leather products in a cold place.

I would be happy if you think of it as a little bit of trivia about leather.

White substances are attached to the surface

If you store your leather products in a cold place,

Depending on the type of leather, a mysterious white substance may adhere to it.

The real identity is... oil .

(If left for a long period of time, it may become moldy, but we will assume that it is not mold this time.)

When the weather gets colder, the oil that seeps out of leather that has been generously oiled may harden on the surface.

In particular, Horween Shell Cordovan leather contains a lot of oil, and it is said that the oil often solidifies on the surface.

By the way, if the oil solidifies, most of it can be removed by brushing.


What did you think?

This time

- Freezing damage that tends to occur during cold waves and how to deal with it

・Problems with leather products that tend to occur in cold weather

We introduced the following:

There will be a lot of frozen roads, so please be careful not to fall...!

Thank you for reading to the end today.


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