[New information] Outlet products will now be available for purchase at the Otsuka showroom!

Hello! I'm HushTug's guitarist.

During Golden Week, HushTug held an event at the Otsuka showroom where they sold outlet products and B-grade products!

We were very happy and inspired to see so many more customers than we expected!

Well, today I have some great news for you all.

As the title says, we will start selling outlet products at the Otsuka showroom!

For more details, please watch the video on YouTube below.

As an aside, I recently started posting on YouTube.
My goal is to reach 10,000 subscribers!

Is that reckless? (bitter laugh)

But! But!

If everyone subscribes to my channel, I think it's not just a dream to reach 10,000 subscribers at once!

Jokes aside...

Currently I mainly post information about new products, but in the future I would like to post videos that make viewers feel positive, with the concept of "supporting people who take on challenges."

So, please watch the video, and if you think it's not bad, I would be happy if you would subscribe to my channel.

Also, if you can click the like button or comment, it will be a great encouragement, so please do so!

The following is a supplement to the video.


About the product

1. The number of outlet products and B-grade products available for purchase at the Otsuka showroom is limited.
Therefore, if there is a product you are interested in, we recommend that you contact us in advance via the inquiry page.

2. Please understand that in principle, products purchased in-store cannot be returned or exchanged.


This time we introduced the latest news and YouTube's declaration of intent(?)!
Thank you for reading to the end today.


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藤本宏夫 May 28, 2022

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