A story about holding an event with children at a shelter in Mongolia

Hello, this is HushTug's Hariuna.

It's been a while since I last wrote a blog, but how are you all? There are still no cases of coronavirus infection in Mongolia, so I am able to go to work as usual and life is going on as usual, which is great.

However, because borders are closed to prevent the spread of infection, this has had a major impact on HushTug's work, which relies on air freight for goods and procurement of materials. We hope that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible.

Now, let's move on to the main topic of this article. At the end of August, we held an event at HushTug's Mongolian workshop, inviting children. Today, I would like to talk about that event.

table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Why did we hold this event?
  • Employee feedback after the event
  • Finally


HushTug is a company whose vision is to "spread Mongolia's potential to the world, combat the social problems facing Mongolia, and contribute to Mongolia's society."

One of the social problems in Mongolia is that there are still many children who have been abandoned by their parents.

We thought about what we could do for these children as HushTug, and came up with the idea that we wanted to spend a fun day with the children and make them smile.

That's why we decided to hold an event where the children from the shelter could visit the workshop for a day, experience making things, eat a meal together, and give them small gifts.

The person who cooperated with us this time was Unur, who runs a shelter called "Eredem" with his family.

The shelter is caring for a total of 23 children, ranging from a two-month-old baby to a 22-year-old university student.

※ Left: Unur Right: Loveja (Human Resources Officer at HushTug)

I was shocked to learn that so many children are living without parents, but it also strengthened my desire as HushTug to help even in some way.

Why did we hold this event?

As I wrote at the beginning, this is because HushTug wanted to actively contribute to Mongolian society.

We also thought that by giving our employees a correct understanding of Mongolia's social issues and letting them experience how their work is making society better, even if only little by little, their motivation to work would increase.

※The children are eating. This child was very lively and cute, curious about many things and asking lots of questions.

Employee feedback after the event

Most of the craftsmen participated in the event and shared their impressions with us.

* Gunner (20 years old)

Today was a wonderful day in my life. At the event, I helped make pencil cases. I was able to share a happy day with many children.

And when I was picking up and dropping off the children in my car, I was very happy to see them enjoying the travel time.
*Daggy (23 years old)

The children were very energetic and cute.

It was fun to make things together while teaching what I learned in the workshop. I am glad to have had a meaningful day for the children who are the future of Mongolia.

* Enkhjin (21 years old)

I was in charge of cooking for the children, so we didn't have much time to spend together, but I was happy to hear them say "It's delicious!" and see them eating with smiles on their faces. I was surprised to hear that Eledem has people ranging from 2-month-old babies to 22-year-old college students living there. I hope to continue meeting, playing, and talking with them from time to time.

* Oruzbayar (22 years old)

I've only been with HushTug for two months, but it was great to be able to participate in an event like this.

I feel happy to have been able to spend a day with the children as if we were a family. I won the national boxing championships in 2016 and 2017. As a former boxer, I gave the children at the shelter some boxing goods.


It was a very meaningful day for all HushTug employees.

We would like to thank all of the employees who took part in today's event, the children at the shelter, and Unur for their cooperation.

I'm also grateful to HushTug for giving me the opportunity to meet the children in the shelter for the first time. I'm happy to be working at HushTug and will continue to do my best.

*This photo shows children holding items made by the craftsmen, along with Mr. Fleury, the technical director.

HushTug hopes to continue doing what it can to contribute to Mongolian society and bring smiles to the faces of many children.

HushTug Haruner

1 comment

コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響で世界的に大変な世の中に成りましたが、子供達、スタッフの皆様はお元気でご活躍のこと嬉しく思います。数日前に御社のビジネスバッグと巡り会えたことから、こちらの存在を知ることが出来ました。小職も2歳の孫から10歳の孫まで、男の子3人、女の子1人 。4人の 孫に囲まれております。其れが故、世界の子供達の行く末が多いに気がかりに 成っているところです。子供達の笑顔は人類の財産ですから、これからも健康にご無理のない様お励み下さい。
余談ですが、Hush Tug のTシャツを販売されて資金源にされては如何でしょうか。
シンプルで 素敵です。購入したいです。            今後共、宜しくお願い致しますす。

morimori September 11, 2020

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